203 S High St
Parcel Number: 22-100-603-00
Historic Function: Domestic - Single Dwelling
Current Function: Domestic - Single Dwelling
Construction Date: 1890-1899 (cSpring 1892)
Original or Significant Owner: William Fiddick
Areas of Significance: Architecture,
Category: Domestic, Single Dwelling
Stories: 2
Form or Plan: T-plan
Foundation: Not Visible
Style: Queen Anne Cottage,
Exterior: wood clapboard/siding
Roof Material: asphalt shingles
Roof Type: Cross gable
Windows: Windows are original or historic wood 1/1 fixed; double- or single-hung; transoms.
Modification: Slightly Altered
Historical Summary: ="“W.A. Telford began work today on the three houses to be built by Mrs. Wm. Fiddick. They are to stand on the lots directly opposite Mrs. Fiddick’s residence on High street And will be handsome frame houses equipped with bath rooms and all other essentials to a first-class modern dwelling. Mr. Telford drew plans and has the contract to complete the work,” Galena Daily Advertiser - 28 September 1891 “W.A. Telford has finished the construction of the three new houses...” Galena Gaily Gazette - 22 April 1892" |